E. Popovici, A. Bucci, R. P. Wiegand, and E. D. De Jong. Coevolutionary principles.
In G. Rozenberg, T. Back, and J. N. Kok, editors, Handbook of Natural
Computing, Theoretical Computer Science, pages 987–1033.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2012.
[[ a different version also published as: E. Popovici and K. De
Jong. Understanding competitive co-evolutionary dynamics via fitness
landscapes. In Late Breaking Papers of the Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference, 2004. ]]
E. Oguejiofor, R. Kicinger, E. Popovici, T. Arciszewski, and K. De Jong. Intelligent tutoring systems: An ontology based approach. International Journal of Computing in Architecture Engineering, and Construction, 2(2), 2004.
M. Boicu, G. Tecuci, B. Stanescu, G. Balan, and E. Popovici. Ontologies and the knowledge acquisition bottleneck. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontologies and Information Sharing at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press, 2001.